7:30 - 8:30 AM
Sunrise Paddle Board
Location: San Sebastian Beach
9:00 - 9:30 AM
Registration and Welcome Coffee
Location: Red Room
9:30 - 10:00 AM
Opening Remarks
Location: Town Hall Venue
- Welcome Address: Lindsey Moore
- Overview of Conference Objectives
10:00 - 11:45 AM
Plenary Session
Location: Town Hall Venue
- Keynote Speaker 1: Beena Amranth, Deloitte - Trustworthy AI
- Keynote Speaker 2: Alex Nawar, OpenAI - AI and Social Impact
- Keynote Speaker 3: Andre Heller, Director, Signpost/IRC - Unlocking Community Knowledge
- Keynote Speaker 4: [Google Representative] - [Topic TBA]
- Q&A Session
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Networking Break
Location: Red Room
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Lightning Talks
Location: Town Hall Venue
Speakers: Wayan Vota, Ipfri, Sonata, DT Global
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Outside Lunch
2:00 - 2:45 PM
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
- Breakout Session 1:Speaker: Eric Keys, Development, Democracy, and Innovation Bureau Topic: Ensuring Accountability and Transparency in AI-driven Development Projects
- Breakout Session 2:Speaker: Enton Dimni, IDG Topic: Democracy-Oriented Indicators for AI National Strategies
- Breakout Session 3:Speaker: Dr. Thomas Isbell, GIZ, Advisor Digital Transformation Topic: Implementing Responsible AI Assessments: A Novel Methodology for Ethical AI in International Development
- Breakout Session 4:Speaker: Sarah Abdelatif, Propel Topic: AI-enabled Organizational and Programmatic Learning for Continuous Adaptive Management, Reflection, and Learning
2:45 - 3:00 PM
Networking Break
Location: Red Room
3:00 - 3:45 PM
Breakout Sessions Continued
- Breakout Session 5:Speaker: Thomas Byrnes, Norwegian Refugee Council Topic: Artificial Intelligence in Crisis Response: Improving Cash Assistance Efficiency and Accountability
- Breakout Session 6:Speakers: Josh Mandell (IBM) & Andrew Kaiser (Kaizen) Topic: AI for Better KM and Decision-Making in Ethiopia
- Breakout Session 7:Speaker: Stella Luk, GiveDirectly Topic: Precision Aid: Using AI/ML to Target Poverty in Crisis Settings
- Breakout Session 8:Speaker: Emily Springer, Top 100 Women in AI Ethics™ 2024 Topic: Inclusive, Ethical, Feminist AI: From Theory to Practice in GRIT’s Aunt Zuzi Chatbot
3:45 - 4:00 PM
Networking Break
Location: Red Room
4:00 - 4:45 PM
Final Breakout Sessions
- Breakout Session 9:Speaker: Church World Services Topic: Humanizing AI: Leveraging DEV Perspectives in the Rapid Evolution of LLMs
- Breakout Session 10:Speaker: UNICEF Topic: Developing Ethical, Open-Source GenAI for Accessible Information: Empowering Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
- Breakout Session 11:Speaker: Fabinc Topic: AI in Education: Empowering Youth Voices
- Breakout Session 12:Speaker: SimPrints Topic: AI for Delivering Vaccines at the Last Mile
5:00 - 6:30 PM
Evening Session
Rooftop Cocktails and Networking
Closing Remarks